Ambrazaitis | Lithuanian Passport
The best part in my job is a pleasantly surprised client.

Lithuanian citizenship by descent

Ambrazaitis | Lithuanian Passport
The best part in my job is a pleasantly surprised client.

Dainius Ambrazaitis

Head of the Citizenship Practice at IN JURE Law Firm, Vilnius, Lithuania

I have been involved in Lithuanian citizenship reinstatement cases for over fifteen years. I have been intensively assisting applicants from South Africa, USA, Canada, Australia, UK and other countries where the number of successfully approved cases is now exceeding 3000.

I assure you that obtaining your Lithuanian citizenship is possible even if you have no documentation pertaining to your Lithuanian ancestry or even if your particular case has been disqualified or rated as not qualified.

I encourage you to contact me for an individual, free-of-charge consultation to discuss your eligibility for Lithuanian citizenship by descent and the process of applying for Lithuanian passport.

Book a video consultation with me WhatsApp +370 600 68454
Our services:

Lithuanian citizenship by descent / Lithuanian passport

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Registering a child born abroad as Lithuanian citizen

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Exemption from military service in Lithuania

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Changing to original name spelling in Lithuanian passport

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Why us?
  • Absolutely no upfront payment required for the assistance service. Free of charge initial eligibility assessment.

  • Assistance on a 100% success fee, i.e. no result, no payment. In case application is not approved, there is no obligation to compensate the expenses incurred.

  • Fee structure is transparent assuring no hidden fees are involved.

  • Even minimal information that you have is enough to successfully initiate the process.

  • Direct legal citizenship services to our clients – no intermediaries are involved in the process.

  • 15 years experience of successful professional assistance, we know innovative sources of information and verification.

Why become Lithuanian passport holder?
  • Visa-free or visa-on-arrival to more than 180 countries, significantly faster going through borders at airport security.

  • European Citizens pay 50% lower tuition fees to study in prestigious universities all over Europe.

  • Your newborn child would get Lithuanian citizenship by the birth right and will be able to pass it on to future generations.

Eligibility criteria for Lithuanian citizenship by descent

There are three main criteria to define your eligibility for the reinstatement of Lithuanian citizenship by descent on dual citizenship basis: generation, year of ancestor‘s birth and emigration from Lithuania. Click below to see if you are eligible.

Application process for Lithuanian passport:
  • 1

    Preparation for application

  • 2

    Examination of the application

  • 3

    Collection of additional evidence

Client reviews
  • Despite having next to no evidence, In Jure provided expert advice and guidance throughout, and explained the specific requirements so we could obtain all the right proof easily.

    In Jure client - Alexandra Langberg
    Alex Langberg,
  • I obtained the reestablishment of my Lithuanian citizenship, together with that of my children, in approximately 8 months and without paying anything at all until its acquirement.

    In Jure client - Karina Palionis
    K. A. C. Palionis,
  • Their detailed knowledge of every aspect of the requirements as well as their professionalism in dealing with all matters was exceptional. They offer a reliable, competent and effective service.

    In Jure client
    Sheryl Cohen,
    South Africa
Apply for Lithuanian passport
Our articles
Lithuanian passport by descent

How to apply for Lithuanian citizenship by descent?

Lithuanian passport

Restoring Lithuanian Citizenship for Jewish Descendants

How to get Lithuanian citizenship?

How to Get Lithuanian Citizenship?

How to Find Your Lithuanian Ancestors | In Jure Law firm

Guide on How to Find Your Lithuanian Ancestors

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